Scott Weidensaul and Todd Alleger completed the installation of a new Motus receiving station at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH on January 14, 2021 (photo by Chris Matlack). The reception area for this station includes Great Bay, Powwow Pond, and the Powwow River. NH Audubon is working closely with the Willistown Conservation Trust on the installation of 50 stations in New England.
- ConservationOur work falls into several broad catergories:Bald EaglePeregrine FalconNorthern HarrierCommon NighthawkSwallows, Martins and SwiftsWhip-poor-willsGrassland BirdsRusty Blackbird ResearchAmerican PipitsCoastal ShorebirdsThe State of the BirdsMotusFarrar Farm Wildlife Crossing ProjectDragonflies and DamselfliesPollinatorsPollinator Habitat RestorationPhenological Monitoring ProjectRaptor Migration
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