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Backyard Winter Bird Survey

Are you a backyard bird enthusiast? Do you love watching the birds at your feeder?

Join NH Audubon this winter for the 38th annual Backyard Winter Bird Survey on February 8th and 9th, 2025! This statewide effort invites participants to observe and report the birds visiting their backyards, helping us track winter bird populations and trends across New Hampshire.

How does it work?

It’s simple! Watch your backyard birds for as long as you’d like over the survey weekend, record the species you see, and submit your findings (see online form below). Whether you spend fifteen minutes or several hours, your observations make a difference.

Why participate?

Last year, more than 1,500 bird enthusiasts joined us, contributing to exciting discoveries like a the first ever Yellow-throated Warbler documented on the Survey and record high counts of Turkey Vultures and Pine Warblers. Thanks to dedicated participants, the survey has documented significant increases in species like Eastern Bluebirds, American Robins, and Red-breasted Woodpeckers over the last few decades. Long-term data is essential to understanding how our wildlife populations are doing, especially in a changing climate.

Who can join?

Anyone! This is a fun activity for all ages and skill levels—whether you’re new to birdwatching or a seasoned birder. It’s a great way to connect with nature, involve your family, and contribute to an important scientific effort.

Thank you for helping us learn more about New Hampshire’s winter birds! We hope you enjoy counting your feathered visitors during the survey weekend and feel proud to be part of this project.

See below for full survey instructions, helpful identification guides, reports, and the survey form.

Submit your data using the button above during the survey weekend!

Participants (like you) have been the backbone of this project’s success since it began, and we’re truly grateful for your support. While a donation is not required to participate, any contribution you choose to make will go directly toward sustaining and growing the Backyard Winter Bird Survey. Your generosity helps keep this important work going!

View survey instructions

Download and read these instructions prior to the survey weekend.

Common winter birds

Get help identifying the most common winter birds in NH.

Commonly confused winter birds

Some birds can be confusing! Use this helpful guide.

Download paper survey form

Note: We encourage you to submit your data online whenever possible. You can print the form to use during your survey and then enter your data online afterward. However, if online submission isn’t an option, you’re welcome to mail us your completed paper survey form. Mailing details can be found at the bottom of the form.

Resources and Reports

Project Lead: Grace McCulloch

Questions or Comments? Email us!

Photos from the top: Beginning birding class outing by Dyanna Smith, White-breasted Nuthatch by Grace McCulloch.