URGENT: A vote is happening soon! Tell Congress to say YES to the wildlife-friendly 2018 Farm Bill that helps farmers protect migration stopover habitat for Rusty Blackbirds and breeding habitat for Blanding’s Turtles. https://nwfaction.org/farm-bill-vote
- ConservationOur work falls into several broad catergories:Bald EaglePeregrine FalconNorthern HarrierCommon NighthawkSwallows, Martins and SwiftsWhip-poor-willsGrassland BirdsRusty Blackbird ResearchAmerican PipitsCoastal ShorebirdsThe State of the BirdsMotusFarrar Farm Wildlife Crossing ProjectDragonflies and DamselfliesPollinatorsPollinator Habitat RestorationPhenological Monitoring ProjectRaptor Migration
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