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May Birding Opportunities: Migratory Bird Day

May Birding Opportunities: Migratory Bird Day

Join NH Audubon leading up to and on May 11 for our Migratory Bird Day celebration! We will be hosting a kick-off webinar with State Ornithologist and NH Audubon Biologist, Pam Hunt, on May 9 at 6pm. On Saturday, May 11, we will be hosting multiple bird outings in various locations around New Hampshire such as Pondicherry Wildlife Sanctuary, Massabesic Audubon Center, and Alice Beeman Thompson Wildlife Sanctuary. Go to our Event Calendar for registration details.

These walks will help support NH Audubon’s mission to preserve wildlife for future generations. We will also be learning how to identify the birds that we see and celebrate the joy that our feathered friends bring to us.