Help trip leader David Blezard clean out bluebird boxes, look for early migrants and lingering winter birds, and get yourself in the mood for spring.
Each year, volunteers join together on a field trip to repair and maintain Bluebird boxes throughout Durham in honor of Bob Hull and his wife Sheila. Bob maintained, replaced, and installed countless Bluebird boxes in Durham. Each year we honor these two beloved members of the Seacoast chapter by carrying on their work in maintaining and repairing these boxes.
During our annual trip we visit many locations where Bob originally installed boxes. We replace those in need of replacing, fix what we can, and clean out the boxes. We also search for early spring migrants. Birds we frequently see on the trip include Eastern Bluebird, Brown Creeper, Pileated Woodpecker, Fox Sparrow, Wilson’s Snipe, American Kestrel, Killdeer, and much, much more!
It can also be interesting to dissect the nests of bluebirds and the other birds that use these nest boxes. The trip provides great opportunities to connect with chapter members and is a favorite of many!
Meet at the Mill Rd Plaza in Durham at 8:00. Contact: David Blezard or call 603-343-1223. Registration is not required.