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The Merlin App: Pitfalls of Summer

The Merlin App: Pitfalls of Summer

The Merlin App is a wonderful tool that has revolutionized birding for many people. It has helped new birders quickly narrow down possible birds in the field and caught those of us who were rusty on our birding by ear back up to speed. Jason Pietrzak reflects on these advancements and lingering challenges in the Summer 2023 issue of New Hampshire Bird Records.

Philadelphia Vireos sound so similar to Red-eyed Vireos that a visual confirmation is needed to confirm the identification. Photo by Zeke Cornell, 06-11-2023, Dixville, NH.

You may be surprised to learn that, despite Merlin’s accuracy, misidentifications still happen. Learn the best ways to use this tool and avoid common pitfalls. You wouldn’t want to celebrate “hearing” a Cerulean Warbler only to realize that there had been a misidentification, and you really heard a Black-throated Blue Warbler! A good reminder for beginners and seasoned birders alike, see this free article in the Summer 2023 issue of New Hampshire Bird Records.

As a bonus, you can also read about how the avian flu caused changes in the eye color of Northern Gannets!

Reminder: New Hampshire Bird Records is now available in digital format free to all NH Audubon members. All members receive an email with a link to the current issue. Printed copies are available to members for an additional fee that covers the cost of printing and postage. Details are on the New Hampshire Bird Records website.

Join us and see all the articles in every issue! The Summer 2023 issue was sponsored in memory of Bob Crowley, a great birder whose passion and personality inspired many in the birding community. There are many great articles in this issue including one highlighting Canada Jay research in the White Mountains, another sharing the journey of an Eastern Screech-Owl nest from courtship to fledging, and many more.