This is New Hampshire Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert for Monday, October 12th, 2020.
During the Corona virus outbreak NH Audubon encourages you to enjoy birding safely; please follow travel and social distance recommendations from state and federal authorities.
A late-migrating RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD was seen in Bartlett on October 8th; 1 was seen in Wilton on the 12th; and 1 was reported from Hill on the 9th.
2 SANDHILL CRANES were seen in a cornfield along Ledge Farm Road in Nottingham on October 5th.
A CORY’S SHEARWATER was seen along the coast from Great Boar’s Head in Hampton on October 5th.
10 RED-THROATED LOONS were seen from Little Boar’s Head in North Hampton on October 9th, and 42 were tallied from the Rye Harbor area on the 12th.
A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL continues to be seen at Odiorne Point State Park in Rye, and 12 LAUGHING GULLS were seen along the coast on October 9th.
A WHOOPER SWAN of probable domestic origin was seen at Eel Pond in Rye on October 12th.
A STILT SANDPIPER was seen at Lake Massebesic in Auburn and 2 were seen in Hampton Marsh, all on October 9th.
3 AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS were seen in a farm field in Conway on October 9th.
A possible LONG-BILLED DOWTCHER was reported on the coast, and up tp 5 SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHERS were seen in Hampton Marsh, all during the past week.
7 RUDDY DUCKS were seen in Exeter on October 11th, and a LESSER SCAUP was reported from Wentworth on the 8th.
An AMERICAN COOT was seen in Sandwich on October 10th.
A GREAT CORMORANT was seen at the Baker Floodwater Reservoir in Warren on October 8th.
An immature LITTLE BLUE HERON was seen in Hampton on October 9th; and 3 YELLOW-CROWNED HERONS were seen along Glade Path in Hampton on October 6th.
A GLOSSY IBIS was seen in Woodmont Orchard in Hollis on October 7th and 1 was seen at Pickering Pond in Rochester on the 6th.
An immature RED-HEADED WOODPECKER was seen in Benson Park in Hudson on October 5th, and 1 was seen in Franklin on the 6th.
A WHITE-EYED VIREO was seen at the Laconia State School grounds along the trail that goes to the first parking lot in Ahern State Park on October 9th.
A CONNECTICUT WARBLER was seen at Odiorne Point State Park in Rye on October 6th.
A YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT was seen at Great Bay Farm in Greenland on October 6th..
An ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER was reported from Center Ossipee on October 5th.
A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW continues to be seen at Goss Farm in Rye and was last reported on October 10th.
2 DICKCISSELS were seen at the Concord Community Gardens on Birch Street in Concord, and 1 continues to be seen at Goss Farm in Rye, all during the past week
Several FOX SPARROWS were reported during the past week.
A SNOW BUNTING was reported from Tuftonboro on October 11th.
20 COMMON REDPOLLS were seen at Trask Brook Road in Sunapee on October 11th.
A BOREAL CHICKADEE continues to be seen near the summit of Pack Monadnock and was last reported on October 11th.
A MARSH WREN was seen at Lake Massabesic in Manchester on October 9th and 10th.
A BALTIMORE ORIOLE was seen in Alton on October 7th.
There were several reports of EASTERN TOWHEES from scattered locations during the past week.
Several flocks of up to 30 AMERICAN PIPITS each were reported from farm fields during the past week.
Numerous RED CROSSBILLS continued to be reported from appropriate habitat during the past week, and 3 WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS were reported from Hollis on October 11th.
PINE SISKINS are irrupting into New Hampshire in flocks of up to 50 birds.
Small numbers of EVENING GROSBEAKS were reported from Sunapee, Lempster, South Sutton, Sandwich, Derry, and North Conway during the past week.
A flock of at least 30 FISH CROWS was reported from Laconia on October 6th. Large numbers of migrating WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS have been reported during the past week.
Southbound raptor migration for the fall-season is taking place and observers have already counted thousands from various locations throughout the state. Raptor totals to-date for Pack Monadnock are over 10,000! If you want to join the hawk-watchers on Pack Monadnock, check with Miller State Park for visitation requirements.
New Hampshire Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert is sponsored by Bangor Savings Bank.
This message is also available by phone recording: call (603) 224-9909 and press 4 as directed or ask to be transferred. If you have seen any interesting birds recently, you can leave a message at the end of the recording or send your sightings to the RBA via email. Please put either “bird sighting” or “Rare Bird Alert” in the subject line and be sure to include your mailing address and phone number.
Thanks very much and good birding.
Subscribe to New Hampshire Bird Records – learn more about birds and birding in New Hampshire (read a free article in each issue). This quarterly publication is produced by NH Audubon thanks to the work of many volunteers.