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Field Trip
Calendar of Events
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Sunday, May 21, 2023 from 7:00 am - 12:00 pm Join local birder Dave Hoitt and wildflower enthusiast Wendy Ward on this moderate walk looking for birds and wildflowers in open field, wetland, and woodland habitats. Meet at the Surry Town Hall parking lot at 7am. The trip should end by noon. Bring field guides, […]
Location: Rye Harbor, NH Monday, May 29, 8 am – 5 pm Cost: $80 Member / $100 Non-Member Join NH Audubon aboard MV Granite State as we explore Jeffreys Ledge, 20 miles off the New Hampshire coast. We'll spend all day at sea, searching for pelagic seabirds, whales, dolphins, and anything else that happens to cross […]