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Simply Nature Exhibit

February 26 @ 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

‘Simply Nature’ is an exhibit of a relatively small portion of Pierre Garand’s catalog of Nature photographs. For nearly sixty years, Pierre’s primary photographic subject has been Nature. He considers Her to be the artist, and he a mere agent, exploring, discovering, recording and presenting Her masterworks. This exhibit comprises a tiny taste of Nature’s diversity, beauty, and even a little whimsy: Her landscapes, flora, fauna and the elements that support them. In most cases, Pierre brings the viewer as close to the subject as he physically or optically can, presenting them with a perspective or in a unique moment that the viewer may not otherwise experience. (All but one of these images were captured in New Hampshire at or near Pierre’s home just inland of the New Hampshire Seacoast region. None of the images are AI generated.)

Celebrate the Simply Nature Exhibit at the reception with Pierre Garand on March 6 from 4-6pm.

Barred Owl photographed by Pierra Garand.


Bio: Pierre Garand has been making photographs, drawing with light for nearly sixty years. With occasional diversions, his primary subject has been the Natural World, usually as close-up as he physically or optically can get. He considers Mother Nature to be an artist who challenges him to discover, record and share Her amazing works. With the rising evidence of climate change in recent years, he’s come to consider his photographs a record, a visual history of a major transition in Nature. He continues to keep his eyes and ears open to the world around him for the chance to record Nature’s art, whether already formed or in process – a stone with natural markings that look like a face, or a pollinator busy feeding on a Goldenrod in full bloom. He takes every opportunity he can to share his photographs with the public, in the hope of providing a revealing, inspiring or entertaining glimpse into the Nature all around us.


30% of the proceeds from this exhibit will benefit New Hampshire Audubon.