Come create a fun piece of nature art in or around the Paradise Point Nature Center. Creativity is encouraged as we use arts and crafts to explore themes and concepts in nature. Suitable for all ages but geared towards 3–7-year-olds. Pre-registration is not required for this program.
- ConservationOur work falls into several broad catergories:Bald EaglePeregrine FalconNorthern HarrierCommon NighthawkSwallows, Martins and SwiftsWhip-poor-willsGrassland BirdsRusty Blackbird ResearchAmerican PipitsCoastal ShorebirdsThe State of the BirdsMotusFarrar Farm Wildlife Crossing ProjectDragonflies and DamselfliesPollinatorsPollinator Habitat RestorationPhenological Monitoring ProjectRaptor Migration
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