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Timberland Goes Bold with NH Audubon

Timberland Goes Bold with NH Audubon

(by Anita Fernandez)

The Timberland volunteer team showed up at the NH Audubon McLane Center in Concord on May 31 wearing shirts that read “Built for the Bold.” Thirty-four Timberland team members showed that they could boldly take on the task of cutting, building, and completing 15 ADA accessible picnic tables, each 10 feet by 6 feet. They completed the task of assembly in only four hours, but also spent two additional days cutting and compiling the materials to create kits for assembly. These picnic tables are already being distributed to our centers and a number of sanctuaries. The tables complement our all persons trails and recreation areas, providing inclusive space near trailheads to foster an environment of easier accessibility.

Timberland volunteers and their completed NH Audubon projects.

This is not the first time in 2023 that the Timberland volunteers have shown up and provided important help to NH Audubon. On May 11, at our Kwaks/Smiths Sisters Wildlife Sanctuary at Follett’s Brook in Newmarket, a team of sixty strong, motivated workers built over 100 feet of boardwalk to support multiple points on the trail, installed a new kiosk, created trail marker posts, and removed invasive species. This effort was accompanied by additional planning sessions comprising about a dozen individuals and hours of hard work.

Thank you to all the Timberland volunteers who participated in the multiple days of service to complete these invaluable projects.