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Our Peeps: Devin Guilfoyle

Our Peeps: Devin Guilfoyle

Join us in welcoming Devin Guilfoyle to the New Hampshire Audubon staff as the new Paradise Point Nature Center Coordinator. Devin will be a full-time educator for NH Audubon, splitting the year between Newfound and McLane Centers. Hailing from Schenectady, New York, he holds a bachelor’s degree in Conservation Biology from St. Lawrence University with years of experience in environmental education taking him to Vermont, Georgia, Minnesota, Maine, and now New Hampshire!

“I’ve always been interested in the natural world, particularly birds,” Devin says. His appreciation of nature began with exploring the woods behind his grandmother’s house as a child and solidified in his undergraduate studies through classes such as ecology, ornithology, and ecology of lakes and rivers. Through outdoor education and programming, Devin strives “to inspire a sense of wonder about the natural world in visitors, young and old. My hope is by inspiring this wonder, people will be moved to conserve natural spaces.”

“So many people have already shared with me how beautiful the Newfound Center is and how meaningful it is to them… I’m excited to help reopen Paradise Point.”

Photo: Devin holding a Blandings Turtle at Crex Meadows Wildlife Area in Grantsburg, Wisconsin.