On Saturday (January 12, 2019), NH Audubon’s Massabesic Center in Auburn celebrated its 20th Anniversary with over 250 people turning up to explore the nature trails, interact with education animals, and learn more about nature in winter. WMUR cameras captured the event with a short segment for the evening news. Dawn Genes, Massabesic Center Director, was thrilled with the turn out. “It was a highlight to showcase the center to so many first-time visitors.”
The center offers visitors a number of indoor nature exhibits, live animals, and runs outdoor nature programs year-round. Visit the online calendar to see Massabesic Center’s upcoming events and join in the fun!
- ConservationOur work falls into several broad catergories:Bald EaglePeregrine FalconNorthern HarrierCommon NighthawkSwallows, Martins and SwiftsWhip-poor-willsGrassland BirdsRusty Blackbird ResearchAmerican PipitsCoastal ShorebirdsThe State of the BirdsMotusFarrar Farm Wildlife Crossing ProjectDragonflies and DamselfliesPollinatorsPollinator Habitat RestorationPhenological Monitoring ProjectRaptor Migration
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