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Fall Pelagic Birding Day Trip

Fall Pelagic Birding Day Trip

On September 3, explore Jeffreys Ledge, 20 miles off the New Hampshire coast, departing from Rye Harbor, to look for pelagic (ocean-going) seabirds, as well as whales and other marine life. Jeffreys Ledge is an undersea ridge running northeast from near Rockport, Massachusetts to near Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Its steep sides produce upwellings of nutrient-rich waters that produce a lot of food for seabirds and marine life. On past fall trips, we have seen four different species of Shearwater (Great, Sooty, Cory’s, and Manx), Northern Gannets, Red-necked Phalaropes in fall plumage, Wilson’s Storm-petrel, jaegers, an array of near-shore species, and random migrants. We’ve also seen several different species of whales and dolphins, including Fin, Minke, Right, Humpback Whales, Harbor Porpoises, Atlantic White-Sided Dolphins, and once a rare Sperm Whale on the outer edge of Jeffreys Ledge.

This is an all-day expedition (between 8-10 hours at sea). Registration is required and there are just a few spaces left! Cost is $80 for members, $100 for non-members. There is an introductory webinar before the trip that is free for attendees, $5 for members, or $6 for non-members.

Photo: Cory’s Shearwater by Steve Mirick.