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Zoom Program: Radar Ornithology: Tracking Migration Under the Cover of Darkness

February 12 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Earth’s lower atmosphere is a critical ecological habitat. Trillions of organisms live, forage, and migrate through this medium, yet rarely is this space considered a primary habitat for ecological or conservation prioritization. For this reason, it is among the least studied habitats, though it serves as a global conduit for the transfer of biomass, weather, and inorganic materials. Airspaces are increasingly polluted and populated with structures. Fundamental research is necessary to address core questions of population and community ecology. Presenter Dr. Kyle Horton’s seminar will overview advances from the Colorado State University Aeroecology Lab, highlighting insights into bird stopover mapping, migration timing, and r quantification of the aerial niche.

Bio: Kyle Horton, Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator at the Aeroecology Lab, has a B.S. in Biology from Canisius College, an M.S. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Delaware, and a PhD. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Oklahoma. In his free time, he likes birding, photography, listening to podcasts, watching Marvel and Star Wars series, and relaxing with family.