Occupying over 5,000 acres, Pawtuckaway State Park is the largest state park in Rockingham County. Join trip leader Ben Griffith to explore this unique natural area which is home to a diverse group of birds including such typically northern nesting species as Dark-eyed Junco, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and Evening Grosbeaks. At the same time, more southerly species such as Yellow-throated Vireo, Louisiana Waterthrush, and Prairie Warbler are common breeders in the park as well. We’ll hope to find these species and more, along with any migrants that may just be passing through. Be prepared for moderate hiking with limited access to bathrooms or other facilities. We’ll meet at the Dunkin Donuts in Raymond at 7 am to carpool. The trip is expected to last until about noon with the possibility of extending the visit to a few other nearby areas. Contact Ben Griffith.
Limited to 10 participants. As the trip nears, please revisit this website to sign up.