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Identifying Trees and Shrubs and Their Ecological Role as Habitat for Birds

June 10 @ 8:30 am - 11:30 am

This program will be from 8:30-11:30 am at Burley Farm in Epping. The program will be limited to 15 participants. This event will be held entirely outdoors and will be held as long as it is not raining. Participants should bring their binoculars and clothing appropriate for the weather conditions at the time of the event.

This program, by Matt Tarr of UNH Cooperative Extension, will teach you how to identify the most common native and non-native shrubs that comprise many bird habitats in NH. We will identify each shrub species, discuss how each species functions as bird habitat, and which shrubs you want to encourage on your land to benefit birds. We will also be looking and listening for birds (of course!) and sharing our tips for how to identify the birds we encounter during the trip.

Bio: Matt Tarr is an Extension Professor and State Wildlife Habitat Specialist for the University of NH Cooperative Extension. Much of Matt’s research and work is focused on determining how non-native shrubs function as habitat for songbirds and on how birds respond to land-use and habitat management practices at different landscape scales. Matt is an avid birder who enjoys photographing and recording birds.