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Publications & Past Projects

Publications & Past Projects

Bald Eagle Monitoring and Management

NH Wildlife Journal Nov/Dec 2012 Article: Bald Eagles by Chris Martin
Status of Breeding Bald Eagles in NH in 2010

Hampton-Seabrook Estuary

Bird Conservation in the Hampton-Seabrook Estuary Brochure

Important Bird Areas

Conservation Plan for the Middle Connecticut River Important Bird Area
(Vermont and New Hampshire), 2009

New Hampshire Dragonfly Survey

New Hampshire Dragonfly Survey Final Report
Summary of five year effort (2007-2011) to document the distributions of all species of dragonflies and damselflies (insect order Odonata) in the state.

NH Audubon’s Notes from the Field

2017 Summary – Winter Afield 2017-2018, Notes from the Field Edition
Expanded Policy Notes (includes both Legislative tables)
2016 Summary – 2016 Notes from the Field
2015 Summary – 2015 Notes from the Field
2014-2015 Summary – 2014-2015 News from the Conservation Department
2013-2014 Summary – 2013-2014 News from the Conservation Department (pages 3-5)
2012-2013 Summary – 2012-2013 News from the Conservation Department
2011-2012 Summary – 2011-2012 News from the Conservation Department
2010-2011 Summary – 2010-2011 News from the Conservation Department
2009-2010 Summary – 2009-2010 News from the Conservation Department
2008-2009 Summary – 2008-2009 News from the Conservation Department

The State of the Birds

State of New Hampshire’s Birds – A Conservation Guide
The State of New Hampshire’s Birds 2009
Top ten things you can do to help New Hampshire’s Birds

Whip-poor-will Research and Monitoring

2010 Whip-poor-will Report
2009 Whip-poor-will Report
2008 Whip-poor-will Report