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Butterfly Field Trainings and the Capital Area Butterfly Survey

Butterfly Field Trainings and the Capital Area Butterfly Survey

New Hampshire Audubon is partnering with New Hampshire Fish and Game (NHFG) to collect long-term data on butterflies in the Concord region and beyond. Sightings will provide valuable data on how species ranges are changing over time. Your data will help support butterfly conservation across the state. Join us as we continue to explore NH’s Butterflies through field trainings.

Come out in the field to learn more about the butterflies that call New Hampshire home. After the series of online training sessions, we will now spend time in the field learning how to identify the butterflies in a diversity of habitats. All are welcome for this amazing opportunity to learn and participate in butterfly conservation.

All field training sessions are free and meet or begin at McLane Center in Concord. Space is limited. Click on the links below for registration information:

  • June 11, 11am-1pm: Steve Mirick, avid birder and expert butterfly enthusiast who has guided both the birding and butterfly communities through his passion, skill, and commitment will lead this exploration of varied butterfly habitats in the Capital Area region of NH.
  • June 18, 11am-1pm: Mike Thomas, retired entomologist and extraordinary butterfly enthusiast, leads this exploration of the habitat in and around the NH Audubon McLane Center in Concord, NH.

We also encourage you to join us for the second annual Capital Area NH Butterfly Survey which will take place on July 27, 8:30am-3pm.

During the field trainings you will receive additional information about the Butterfly Surveys that will take place at 7 locations across the state. The field sessions will provide you with an eye-opening experience to connect with species you may not have noticed in the past. No matter what your skill level is, you are welcome to join us. Together we can help track New Hampshire’s butterflies and make a difference in their conservation.

Cover photo of a Crescent butterfly during the 2023 field trainings, by Anita Fernandez.