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A Different Kind of Year at the Hawk Watch

A Different Kind of Year at the Hawk Watch

(by Phil Brown)

2020 marked the 16th consecutive season of raptor migration monitoring at the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory, which is located within Miller State Park in Peterborough. Between September 1 and November 20, staff and volunteers logged 558 hours of observation time, tallying 12,032 raptors from the Observatory. Due to COVID-19 restrictions within Miller State Park, visitation was limited and groups were nonexistent. Despite the lack of school groups, 4,568 people visited the Observatory in 2020 to witness, learn about, and enjoy the spectacle of raptor migration.

Judd Nathan, Amy Maurer, Levi Burford, and Jim McCoy model the “corral” system that helped maintain more than six feet from each other while observing raptors from Pack Monadnock. Photo by Phil Brown.

Read more about the year including species trends and how our data fits in with the larger picture of raptor migration.