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Recent Grant Awards to NH Audubon

Recent Grant Awards to NH Audubon

New Hampshire Audubon is grateful for the generous funding recently awarded from the following supporters:

  • NH Audubon received a grant award from the Norwin S. & Elizabeth N. Bean Foundation to support the Pollinator Garden Urban Habitat Renewal Project, an effort to revive urban green spaces, improve wildlife habitat, and engage the community in Manchester, NH. Bean Foundation funding will support the installation of two pollinator gardens, one at the Cashin Senior Center and one at Piscataquog Park.
  • The Fuller Foundation awarded NH Audubon a grant to support research and nanotagging of Wood Thrush during the breeding season, specifically efforts in the Seacoast area. Using the Motus Wildlife Tracking System, detections of tagged thrushes will provide valuable information on survival, migration routes and timing, connections between breeding and wintering areas, and habitat use during the non-breeding season.

Cover photo by Pam Hunt.