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Wildlife and Fisheries Bills

HB138: Relative to rules pertaining to marine species managed under the Magnusson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
NH Audubon Position: Support
NH Audubon Action: Sign-in

HB281: Relative to beaver deceivers
NH Audubon Position: Support
NH Audubon Action: Sign-in

SB074: Relative to register of deeds fees used to support the land and community heritage investment program (LCHIP)
NH Audubon Position: Support
NH Audubon Action: Sign-in

SB200: Relative to wildlife corridors
NH Audubon Position: Support
NH Audubon Action: Testify

SB269: making an appropriation to the department of natural and cultural resources to perform an ecological integrity assessment
NH Audubon Position: Support
NH Audubon Action: Sign-in