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Manchester Community – Pollinator Pocket Gardens

Manchester Community – Pollinator Pocket Gardens

With funds secured through the NH Conservation and Heritage License Plates, we will be transforming four locations in the Manchester community from mulch lots, lawns, or ailing landscapes, into beautiful garden spaces that appeal to both pollinators and people. These gardens will provide a place for students, teachers, and the general public to establish a relationship with nature while connecting with native pollinators.

  • August 21-24, 9am-1pm: Pre-existing plant and shrub removal, site prep, leveling, and filling in holes. Bring your own shovels, wheelbarrows, straight rakes, or bow rakes if possible. 6-8 volunteers needed each day.
  • September 12-14, time TBD: Plant installation and partial mulching. Bring your own shovels, hand shovels, straight rakes, or bow rakes if possible. 4-6 volunteers needed each day.
  • September 25-26, time TBD: Mulching. Bring your own flat shovels, wheelbarrows, bow rakes, or leaf rakes if possible. 4-6 volunteers needed each day.

Sign up here or email volunteers@nhaudubon.org if you’re interested or have any questions! Gardens located at Beech Street Elementary: 333 Beech Street, Manchester, NH.