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Bellamy River Wildlife Sanctuary

26 Acres
1.4 Miles of Trails
Dover, NH

First protected in 1970 through a donation by Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen Huggins, the sanctuary has grown to include a key inholding through an acquisition by the Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership and now totals 26 acres. Situated prominently at the mouth of the Bellamy River and on Little Bay, the sanctuary protects several thousand feet of tidal shoreline and contains rare intertidal salt marshes and several rare plants and natural communities. Two loop trails totaling 1.5 miles follow the shoreline and provide excellent wildlife viewing opportunities, including migrating waterfowl in spring and fall. NH Audubon is currently working to restore the federally-listed New England Cottontail, as well as shrubland bird species, on this key property, while providing aesthetic experiences for hikers in a unique natural setting.

Note that parking is limited to space in a small parking area.