NH Audubon is organizing and facilitating a year-long speaker series titled, “Exploring Connections to and Stewardship of the Natural World.” This series is supported by a grant through the NH Humanities Council and aims to provide a public and personal space for the examination of environmental ethics, fostering a deeper understanding of, appreciation for, and care of, our natural world. Programs are free to the public, and streamed via Zoom, YouTube, and Facebook Live.
Presentations encourage participants to explore their personal connections to wildlife, land use ethics, sustainability, history, and our human interaction with the environment. At the same time, we will be philosophically reflecting upon the way human experiences impact natural places and, likewise, how natural places impact human experiences.
Speakers will highlight the importance of the relationships between human beings and the environment, emphasizing the role of ethics and stewardship in this relationship while highlighting the impact that environmentally-based decisions have on individuals and our communities.