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Expanding Accessibility at NH Audubon

Expanding Accessibility at NH Audubon

(by Parker Schuerman)

On September 20, accessible picnic tables, 15 of which were created with the Timberland Company in June, were moved from Timberland HQ in Stratham, NH to NH Audubon’s McLane Center in Concord for distribution and placement at our wildlife sanctuaries this fall. Loading and unloading volunteers included staff from Timberland, Mark Kerr, Lew Shelley, Chris Olson, and NH Audubon staff. Barney Sherwin Trucking Service provided the transportation and picnic stacking expertise. Again, a big shout out to our loading and unloading volunteers and to Leon Duval and Atlanta McIlwraith of the Timberland Corporation for the huge effort helping NH Audubon cut and assemble these center access picnic tables.

We are very excited for the addition of these accessible picnic tables as we continue to foster an environment of easier accessibility.