Zoom Talk
Jeffreys Ledge Pelagic Birding Trip
Rye Harbor 1870 Ocean Blvd (Rte 1A), Rye, NH, United StatesThis trip is sold out. Location: Rye Harbor, NH Monday, May 31 (Memorial Day), 8 am - 5 pm Cost: $70 M/$90 NM Join NH Audubon aboard MV Granite State as […]
Native Bees of New England – their Diversity and Natural History
How many kinds of bees can you name: honey bees, bumble bees, sweat bees perhaps? Most people are familiar with our non-native honey bees and their role in pollinating commercial […]
Nighthawk Watch Volunteer Training
It’s nearly time for the first Common Nighthawks to return. These insect-eating birds were once common in cities throughout New Hampshire, but they are now endangered in the state. Volunteers […]
Native Predatory Wasps: Their Role as Pollinators and Beneficial Insects
Native bees and predatory wasps share the same lineage and also share many behaviors and habitat requirements. Predatory wasps feed their offspring invertebrates (insects and spiders) and bees diverged from […]
Becoming a MOTH-er
Once only thought of as annoyances, moths are now being appreciated for their beauty, diversity, ecological role, pollination duties, and economic value. With more than 10x the number of species […]
Where Have all the Monarchs Gone?
The Monarch Butterfly has been a common site during late summer in New Hampshire. But some years you see them, and some years you don’t. We’ll discuss what’s behind their […]
Beecology: a Citizen Scientist Helping Pollinators
Dr. Gegear will update participants on the decline of wild pollinators and the importance of collecting critical ecological information that is needed to develop effective conservation and restoration strategies for […]
Cancelled: Appreciating our Nocturnal Pollinators
**This program has been cancelled.** Join us during Pollinator Week to learn more about the mysterious and diverse world of moths! They’re our (mostly) nocturnal neighbors that remain largely unseen […]
Poetry, Place, and Peace of Mind
Poetry offers a medium for expressing mindful connections with nature, while experiencing the mental health benefits nature provides. Dr. Maria Sanders, a philosopher, poet, and researcher of eudaimonia, the Greek […]
Nature Connection in NH Schools – POSTPONED
September 7, 7pm - this program is being postponed until a later date, tbd Jamie Hannon Professor of Adventure Education, Plymouth State University Children aged 6-17 spend most of their […]
Beauty and Reciprocity
Like many of us who experience biophilia, when it comes to our most existential lifeline—the natural world—I exist in a personal and anthropogenic dissonance of celebration and mourning, vision and […]
Creating Compost – A Hands-on Workshop
Composting is the process of recycling organic debris into material that both reduces items in the waste stream and creates a useful garden product. At the end of this two-part […]