Chapter Program
A World on the Wing: The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds
Zoom Link , United StatesEven as scientists make astounding discoveries about the navigational and physiological feats that enable migratory birds to cross immense oceans or fly above the highest mountains, go weeks without sleep or remain in unbroken flight for months at a stretch, humans have brought many migrants to the brink. Based on his newest book, "A World […]
New Hampshire’s Winter Birds
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesNH Audubon's "Backyard Winter Bird Survey" is a citizen science project that has been collecting data on the state's birds since 1967. In this program, Dr. Pamela Hunt uses the Survey's data to illustrate how populations of our common winter birds have been changing over time. In the process, we'll explore many other aspects of […]
A Multi-Regional Assessment of Eastern Whip-poor-will
Zoom Link , United StatesA Multi-Regional Assessment of Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Occupancy Within Managed Forests Using Autonomous Recording Units Wednesday, February 9 Over the past half century, many eastern forest birds have experienced significant population declines. These declines have in part been attributed to habitat loss and degradation. State and federal agencies have initiated conservation efforts to improve […]
Insects for Birders
Zoom Link , United StatesSeacoast Chapter Zoom Program Wednesday, March 9 Pick any scene from the drama of birds, the grace and force of flight, the ornaments and audacity of courtship, the absolute joy we get in watching them, and you will find it as well in the drama of insects, played out only a few feet away. With […]
Walden Warming: Climate Change Comes to Thoreau’s Concord
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesSeacoast Chapter Program Wednesday, April 13 Henry David Thoreau was a climate change scientist! For the past 18 years, presenter Professor Richard Primack and his team have been using Thoreau's records from the 1850s and other Massachusetts data sources to document the earlier flowering and leafing out times of plants, the earlier flight times of […]
Birding 201
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesSeacoast Chapter Program Wednesday, May 11 You know the basics, so let's focus on taking things to the next level. This interactive program by David Blezard will teach different tricks and tips, as we spend some time getting to know some of the more challenging groups of birds to identify within the northeastern US: sparrows, […]
Monitoring and Managing New Hampshire’s Piping Plovers
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesSeacoast Chapter Program Wednesday, June 15 Learn about how the Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department monitors and manages the federally threatened and state endangered Piping Plover population on Hampton and Seabrook Beaches. From working with town and state officials on beach maintenance to recruiting volunteers, see how […]
Marine Debris in the Gulf of Maine
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the New Hampshire Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their in person September program: Marine Debris in the Gulf of Maine. The US and Canadian Partners have launched a binational effort to address marine debris in the Gulf of Maine. The Gulf of Maine Association has been awarded $367, 839 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric […]
Hummingbirds, The Most Marvelous of Bird Families
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the New Hampshire Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their in person October program: Hummingbirds, The Most Marvelous of Bird Families. Bob and Dana Fox have developed a new talk focusing on hummingbirds. They will begin with what is a hummingbird and then describe their adventures with 10 different, remarkable species they have seen on their […]
Saving a Species from Extinction, Protecting the North Atlantic Right Whale
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the New Hampshire Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their in person November program. With fewer than 350 whales remaining, the North Atlantic right whale is one of the rarest large whale species in the world. Once a heavily targeted commercial whaling species, right whales remain vulnerable to contemporary human activities, including vessel strikes and entanglement […]
Wings over New Hampshire, What We Are Learning from the Motus Wildlife Tracking System
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the New Hampshire Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their ZOOM December program. Grants from the US Fish and Wildlife Service and private donations have supported installation of 10 Motus receiving stations in NH. These stations have detected birds tagged by researchers from Hudson Bay to South America. This presentation, by Carol Foss of NH Audubon, […]
An Introduction to New Hampshire’s Fish Species of Conservation Concern
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the New Hampshire Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their in person January program. New Hampshire is home to a number of fish populations that are at risk of decline, or in some cases extirpation, due to human caused threats. Declines in aquatic species often go unnoticed, because they are less visible to the public. This […]