Chapter Program
Birds and Climate Change
ZOOM PROGRAM - Birds and Climate Change: the Changes that are Already Happening Steve Hampton will focus on what changes are already happening in the world of birds: northward range shifts, changes in migration and nesting timing, rapid evolution, and ecological cascades. He'll explore which species are adapting and which are not. The Seacoast Chapter […]
Monitoring Mammals Across the Granite State
New Hampshire hosts a diverse suite of mammal species, from mesocarnivores like bobcats to large ungulates like moose. These animals are highly valued by many stakeholders and play critical ecological roles throughout the state. Effective monitoring programs are crucial to the conservation and management of these species, but their highly mobile and often cryptic nature […]
Biogeography and Birds of Hawaii 2.0
Visit the western-most, southern-most, and 50th state, Hawaii! David Blezard will update a presentation first given 20 years ago to the Chapter to discuss how the natural forces of the Hawaiian Islands geography have created a unique habitat with a distinct collection of bird species. This multimedia presentation will examine how both the native and […]
Butterflies of NH
Join Steve Mirick for a presentation on the butterflies of NH. Learn about the lives of butterflies and what species we have and where to find them in the State. We'll also discuss some tips on field guides, binoculars, photography and gardening for butterflies. The Seacoast Chapter meets monthly on the second Wednesday except the […]
Identification and Role of Native and Non-native Shrubs as Habitat for Birds
Each program will be limited to 15 participants with no repeat registrants. This event will be held entirely outdoors and will be held as long as it is not raining. Participants should bring their binoculars and clothing appropriate for the weather conditions at the time of the event (see Pickering Ponds beginner bird walk for […]
Identification and Role of Native and Non-native Shrubs as Habitat for Birds
Each program will be limited to 15 participants with no repeat registrants. This event will be held entirely outdoors and will be held as long as it is not raining. Participants should bring their binoculars and clothing appropriate for the weather conditions at the time of the event (see Pickering Ponds beginner bird walk for […]
Outlawing Extinction: The Fight Over The Endangered Species Act in the 1970s
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their September in-person program: Outlawing Extinction: The Fight Over The Endangered Species Act in the 1970s Fifty years ago, Congress passed overwhelmingly the most powerful legislation in the world to protect endangered species - and almost instantly many members regretted doing so. In this illustrated lecture, historian Kurk […]
Empty Skies: The Decline of Aerial Insectivores in the Northeast
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their October in-person program: Empty Skies: The Decline of Aerial Insectivores in the Northeast Aerial insectivores are those birds that feed primarily on insects captured in flight and include nightjars, swifts and swallows. Many of these species, particularly swallows and the Chimney Swift, are experiencing significant population declines […]
Something Wild Stories
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their November in-person program: "Something Wild" Stories New Hampshire Public Radio's (NHPR) "Something Wild" has been exploring the intricacies of nature in NH for 25 years! Chris Martin and Dave Anderson have teamed up as the show's co-hosts for the past 15 years. Together, in short radio essays, […]
Wildlife of the White Mountains
Join the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their remote December program: Wildlife of the White Mountains Wildlife viewing is a favorite activity of White Mountain residents and visitors. This illustrated program, by David Govatski, US Forest Service retiree, features the natural history of many of our iconic species that we might see along the trail […]
Caught in the SNOWstorm: 10 Years of Snowy Owl Research
Join the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their remote January program: Caught in the SNOWstorm: 10 Years of Snowy Owl Research The winter of 2013-2014 saw the largest invasion of Snowy Owls into the eastern United States in perhaps a century and marked an unprecedented opportunity to learn more about these mysterious Arctic hunters. Author […]
Ospreys of the Lakes Region: NH Audubon Lakes Region Chapter Program
The Loon Center 183 Lees Mill Road, Moultonborough, NH, United StatesJoin the Lakes Region Chapter of NH Audubon for this presentation by Iain MacLeod. Iain will provide a detailed overview of his 25+ years of monitoring nesting Ospreys in the NH Lakes Region. Since the first post-DDT nest was located in the region in 1997, the population has grown and Iain has dedicated countless hours […]