Description: Fresh tomatoes from the garden are the BEST but growing them can present some challenges. In this workshop, we’ll explore some ways to overcome challenges of disease and pests and support the plants for better production. We’ll discuss and demonstrate different support methods: staking, caging, overhead trellising, and the “Florida Weave.” We’ll show how to prune tomatoes to control growth and improve disease prevention and more. The workshop will take place primarily outdoors, so dress for the weather and wear sturdy footwear.
Presenter: Will Lowenthal, UNH Extension Master Gardener
Cost: $10 for NH Audubon members/Extension Master Gardeners; $15 for non-members.
Registration Required by: June 11. Register here.
Logistics (inside/outside, what to bring): The workshop will take place primarily outdoors, so dress for the weather and wear sturdy footwear.
For reasonable accommodation requests, please contact Massabesic Center Director, Kimmie Whiteman.
This program is brought to you through an on-going partnership between the University of New Hampshire Extension’s Master Gardener Program and New Hampshire Audubon. The Demonstration Gardens at NH Audubon’s Massabesic Center provide a place for sharing best practices in eco-friendly home and community gardening, which enhance human health and well-being and wildlife habitat.