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Subscribe to New Hampshire Bird Records

New Hampshire Bird Records

This quarterly publication, produced by NH Audubon, is all about birds and birding in New Hampshire. Articles include topics on bird identification, where to bird, research and volunteer opportunities, rare sightings, seasonal visitors, and migration movements. All birders will find something new to learn and enjoy. To see contents from previous issues or read a free article, visit www.nhbirdrecords.org 

Member Benefit 

New Hampshire Bird Records is available in digital format free to all NH Audubon members. When an issue comes out, members receive an email with a link to the issue. If you are not receiving the emails please contact Jennifer Thomas, jthomas@nhaudubon.org

Not a member? Join here.

Printed copies are available to NH Audubon members for an annual fee that helps cover the cost of printing and mailing. The fee covers all four issues for one year, (spring, summer, fall, and winter) and payment reminders are sent with the winter issue. If you would like to receive printed copies, fill out the form below.

Photo, top: Semipalmated Sandpipers in Hampton, by Pam Hunt.