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Honoring Hispanic Heritage Month

Honoring Hispanic Heritage Month

(by Zoe Dawson)

Did you know September 15-October 15 marks the nationwide celebration of Hispanic American heritage? This month honors the ongoing cultural impact and contributions of Latin and Hispanic people in America.

(Image from University of Wisconsin.)

The conservation community has many people of Latin and Hispanic descent to thank for advocacy and stewardship of the natural world – such as George Melendez Wright (1904-1936) who undertook the first surveying of plants and animals of national parks, establishing a scientific mission for the National Parks Service, or environmentalist Elizabeth Yeampierre who made history just ten years ago by serving as the first Latina chair of the EPA’s National Environmental Justice Advisory Council – to name just two significant figures. NH Audubon thanks them and the many others who also strive to protect our natural environment for people and wildlife. We hope you’ll take time during this period to learn about Latin and Hispanic heritage. For ways to celebrate in NH, even virtually, enjoy this NH Magazine article by Alberto Ramos.