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What's Happening to Our Birds?

What's Happening to Our Birds?

A new report reveals that we’ve lost 3 BILLION birds since 1970. You may have heard about these findings from Cornell Lab of Ornithology, documented in the journal Science.
New Hampshire’s birds have declined just like the US and Canadian bird populations in the study. A few species have increased, but those successes are eclipsed by the magnitude of the declines in other bird species.
NH Audubon reported on the trends in our State’s birds in The State of the New Hampshire’s Birds in 2010. The report included actions you can take to help birds. We will be releasing updated data later this year and our Senior Biologist, Pam Hunt, is editing that new edition right now.
Our birds are in trouble, but there’s hope, and there are things you can do about it. NH Audubon has been looking out for our State’s birds for 105 years and you can help us continue to do that.

Yellow-throated Warbler, by Steve Mirick.

See the top ten actions that you can take to help birds – from The State of New Hampshire’s Birds, A Conservation Guide.
Two priority actions:

  1. Keep cats indoors
  2. Modify windows to reduce bird strike

Stay tuned for more conversation about this report, and what NH Audubon is doing to help our birds, in upcoming newsletters.
Use this link to read about the 2011 State of NH’s Birds and download our full report.