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This is New Hampshire Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert for Monday, July 25, 2022

This is New Hampshire Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert for Monday, July 25, 2022

A MISSISSIPPI KITE was seen from the fire-tower at Stratham Hill Park several times during the past week.

A SANDHILL CRANE was seen along Plains Road in Monroe on July 24th.

A female KING EIDER that was first seen from Pulpit Rocks in Rye on May 22nd is still being seen along the coast in Rye, and was last reported on July 24th.

A “WESTERN” WILLET was seen just south of Odiorne Point State Park in coastal Rye on July 19, 2022, it is the bird in the background of this photo by Steve Mirick.

2 BLACK VULTURES were seen soaring over Woodward Road yard in Westmoreland on July 20th, and 2 were seen soaring over Pickering Ponds in Rochester on the 19th.

2 AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS, and 3 ARCTIC TERNS were seen at the Isles of Shoals during the past week.

A high-count of 9 STILT SANDPIPERS was seen in Hampton Marsh on July 20th, and fewer numbers were seen since then during the past week.

A “WESTERN” WILLET was seen just south of Odiorne Point State Park in coastal Rye on July 19th.

A SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER was seen on a river-sandbar along Route 135 in Monroe on July 24th.

A few LEAST TERNS and PIPING PLOVERS are nesting at Hampton Beach State Park, and Seabrook Town Beach. If you visit these areas, please give these birds room to forage and raise their families!

A COMMON TERN was photographed at Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge at the junction of the Androscoggin River and Magalloway River in Errol on July 20th.

3 LEAST BITTERNS were seen at the Cranberry Pond wetlands located behind Price Chopper in Lebanon on July 22nd, and 1 was seen at Lucas Pond (no motorboats allowed) in Northwood on the 23rd.

A GREEN HERON was seen at the Androscoggin River dam in Gorham on July 19th.

4 GREEN-WINGED TEAL were seen at Pickering Ponds in Rochester on July 23rd.

2 FISH CROWS were reported from Plymouth on July 21st.

A RED CROSSBILL was reported from Mount Monadnock on July 23rd.

A PHILADELPHIA VIREO was seen at Airport Marsh in Whitefield on July 20th.

A TENNEESEE WARBLER was seen in Hancock and 1 was seen in Sandwich, both on July 22nd.

5 ORCHARD ORIOLES were seen at Pickering Ponds in Rochester on July 23rd.

Several BICKNELL’S THRUSHES, and FOX SPARROWS were reported from the White Mountains during the past week.

This message is also available by phone recording: call (603) 224-9909 and press 4 as directed or ask to be transferred. If you have seen any interesting birds recently, you can leave a message at the end of the recording or send your sightings to the RBA via email. Please put either “bird sighting” or “Rare Bird Alert” in the subject line and be sure to include your mailing address and phone number.

Thanks very much and good birding.

Subscribe to New Hampshire Bird Records – learn more about birds and birding in New Hampshire (read a free article in each issue). This quarterly publication is produced by NH Audubon thanks to the work of many volunteers.