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This is New Hampshire Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert for Monday, August 28, 2023

This is New Hampshire Audubon’s Rare Bird Alert for Monday, August 28, 2023

4 AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS were seen at the Isles of Shoals during the past week.

A WESTERN SANDPIPER and a DUNLIN were seen at the Route 286 pools in Seabrook on August 26th.

A WESTERN SANDPIPER was seen at Plaice Cove in Hampton on August 26th and 27th, and 1 was seen at the north end of Odiorne Point State Park in Rye on the 27th.

4 WHIMBRELS, 2 STILT SANDPIPERS, and several WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS were seen in coastal Hampton on August 27th.

A BLACK TERN was photographed at the Hinsdale Setbacks on the Connecticut River on August 25th.

A GREAT SHEARWATER and a MANX SHEARWATER were seen along the coast on August 27. (Photo: Great Shearwater by Jim Sparrell, 07-24-2022, offshore of Rye, NH.)

A GREAT SHEARWATER and a MANX SHEARWATER were seen along the coast on August 27th.

A female KING EIDER continues to be seen in coastal Rye, often from the second pullout just south of Odiorne Point State Park. It was last reported on August 27th.

A RUDDY DUCK was seen at Pickering Ponds in Rochester on August 23rd.

2 adult LITTLE BLUE HERONS and 4 juvenile LITTLE BLUE HERONS were seen in coastal Rye, 1 juvenile was seen in coastal Hampton, a juvenile was seen at the Route 286 marsh pools in Seabrook, an adult was seen north of Chapman’s Landing in Newfields, and a juvenile was seen from Wetherby Road in Charlestown, all during the past week.

2 juvenile YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS were seen in Hampton Harbor on August 26th.

A juvenile BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was seen from Wetherby Road in Charlestown on August 26th.

A SANDHILL CRANE was seen in fields at Lackie Farm in Bath on August 24th.

2 adult MISSISSIPPI KITES and 1 juvenile MISSISSIPPI KITE were seen in Stratham on August 24th, and 1 adult was seen in Newmarket on the 27th.

3 BLACK VULTURES were seen from Woodward Road in Westmoreland, and 1 was seen at Pickering Ponds in Rochester, all on August 26th.

3 DICKCISSELS were reported from Woodmont Orchard in Hollis on August 25th.

RED CROSSBILL sightings continued to increase from scattered statewide locations, all during the past week.

A PHILADELPHIA VIREO was reported from Freedom on August 22nd, and 1 was seen in Sandwich on the 25th.

A CAPE MAY WARBLER was seen at the Sunapee Waste Water Treatment Plant on August 26th.

COMMON NIGHTHAWK southbound migration is underway. Highlights from the past week included: 2,039 from Hancock on August 23rd, 1,320 from Sandwich on the 23rd, 915 from Franklin Falls on the 23rd, 1,602 from Concord on the 26th, and 1,033 from Lebanon on the 27th. Observers saw the majority of birds between 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM. A nighthawk watch, led by a NH Audubon volunteer, is held in Concord, NH on the roof of the Capitol Commons Parking Garage on Storrs Street every evening (except in bad weather) from mid-August into the first week of September. Numbers of migrating nighthawks are tallied from 5:30 pm to about 7:30 pm. Visitors are welcome.

This message is also available by phone recording: call (603) 224-9909 and press 4 as directed or ask to be transferred. If you have seen any interesting birds recently, you can leave a message at the end of the recording or send your sightings to the RBA via email. Please put either “bird sighting” or “Rare Bird Alert” in the subject line and be sure to include your mailing address and phone number.

Thanks very much and good birding.

Subscribe to New Hampshire Bird Records – learn more about birds and birding in New Hampshire (read a free article in each issue). This quarterly publication is produced by NH Audubon thanks to the work of many volunteers.