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Getting Ready for the 2022 Purple Martin Season

Getting Ready for the 2022 Purple Martin Season

(by Pam Hunt)

On April 13, volunteers and members of the Rye Conservation Commission erected the latest new housing option for state-threatened Purple Martins on the NH Seacoast. Sited on town conservation land at the Goss Farm, this new set of gourds is less than a mile across Awcomin Marsh from a thriving colony managed by John Cavanagh. On the same day, John reported the first two martin “scouts” back in his yard, signaling that the 2022 season is about to get under way. Here’s hoping there’s a little overflow from John’s gourds to the new ones! Purple Martin work on the Seacoast is conducted almost entirely by volunteers, and we are always in need of new help. If you live nearby and are willing to commit to several site visits in May through July, please contact me for more information, and I can also connect you with the current volunteer corps!

Goss Farm Gourds (Linda Cavanaugh)