Sunday, May 29th, 3 – 4 pm Cost: $5 for members, $6 for non-members (free to those attending Pelagic Trip on May 31) Leader: Jon Woolf Watch an educational slideshow about some of the wildlife you might see just off NH’s coast. We’ll teach you how to identify some of our common pelagic birds as […]
Nighthawks were once common in cities throughout New Hampshire, where they nested on gravel roofs and fed on insects attracted to city lights. In recent years, these acrobatic birds have disappeared from many New Hampshire towns, but they still nest in Keene, Concord, and a handful of other places in the Granite State. Help keep […]
NH Butterfly Monitoring Network: How you can make important contributions. Friday, June 2: 7-8:15pm Cost: Free Registration Link We are looking for curious and observant people to help us with a new initiative, the NH Butterfly Monitoring Network! There are over 100 species of butterflies in the state and we need help collecting data on […]
Learn how to use iNaturalist in preparation for our first Pollinator BioBlitz at the NH Audubon McLane Center! Thursday, June 16: 7-8:15pm Cost: Free Registration Link A BioBlitz is a community science effort where volunteers help find and record data on as many different species within a designated location and time period. New Hampshire Audubon […]
Banding, Fledging, Flying This final program recaps the banding procedure of the resident falcon chicks while discussing the integral role longitudinal wildlife monitoring plays in research and conservation. From butterflies to bald eagles, metal bands and digital tags allow us to track populations and recognize patterns over the lifespan of various wildlife species. This webinar […]
The Secret Life of Wild Bees Thursday, June 23: 7-8:15pm Cost: Free Registration Link Nick Dorian is an ecologist, an educator, and a naturalist. He is a PhD student at Tufts University where he studies the population ecology of cellophane bees and runs the Tufts Pollinator Initiative, an urban pollinator conservation and community outreach group. […]