It is becoming abundantly clear that the human/nature relationship is critical for the well-being of all living things on earth. Access to, and care of parks, conservation lands, gardens and greenways and wilderness areas is critical for living things to thrive. Humans experience multiple connections with nature which are needed for both personal and population […]
A Multi-Regional Assessment of Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Occupancy Within Managed Forests Using Autonomous Recording Units Wednesday, February 9 Over the past half century, many eastern forest birds have experienced significant population declines. These declines have in part been attributed to habitat loss and degradation. State and federal agencies have initiated conservation efforts to improve […]
This workshop is the first in a series of participatory workshops that will be held at least monthly at the Massabesic Audubon Center (MAC) in Auburn. The Demonstration/Teaching gardens at MAC are managed in partnership with the UNH Extension Master Gardener Program. All workshops are open to the public as a way to share best […]
In the first presentation of this 5-part webinar series, join senior biologist, Chris Martin as he provides a brief history of the Peregrine Falcon in New Hampshire. Learn how a formerly common household chemical threatened to decimate this charismatic species as well as the steps that were taken to ensure their continued existence. Education specialist, […]