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Join Carol Foss, NH Audubon’s Senior Advisor for Science and Policy, for an introduction to the Motus Wildlife Tracking System — a new research network that is revolutionizing the study of winged migration by tracking the movements of small birds, bats, and even dragonflies and monarch butterflies who have been fitted with tiny radio transmitters (nanotags). Carol […]
Join New Hampshire Audubon and collaborators from UNH Cooperative Extension and the Xerces Society for a Webinar Panel Discussion on Creating Pollinator Habitat Thursday, November 4: 7PM – 9PM The panel discussion will share best practices around establishing pollinator habitat in New England. Discussion topics will include techniques for creating pollinator meadows, native plant selection, […]
Irruptions of finches from the north in recent years inspired Matthew Young to launch the Finch Research Network (FiRN) in fall 2020. Join us for his lively presentation about redpolls, Evening Grosbeaks, the distribution and ecology of different Red Crossbill flight calls, and the launching of FiRN and its future. November and December Zoom programs […]
This presentation will focus on an array of familiar breeding species that undertake the perils of migration, where they go, the threats they face, and what must be done to conserve them. Scott will talk about the efforts he is currently involved with protecting some of our most threatened shorebirds: Piping Plover, Red Knot, Hudsonian […]