Fall Clean Up Day at MAC
Massabesic Center 26 Audubon Way, Auburn, NH, United StatesJoin us for a Volunteer Fall Cleanup Day at the Massabesic Center! Saturday, November 20th, 9am-3pm We’ll be preparing the grounds for the winter! Tasks throughout the day will include garden maintenance, bittersweet vine management, installing new predator guards on our bluebird boxes, and cleaning up the barn. Please contact Kimmie Whiteman to sign up […]
Project Nighthawk Volunteer Training
Zoom Link , United StatesNighthawks were once common in cities throughout New Hampshire, where they nested on gravel roofs and fed on insects attracted to city lights. In recent years, these acrobatic birds have disappeared from many New Hampshire towns, but they still nest in Keene, Concord, and a handful of other places in the Granite State. Help keep […]
BioBlitz at the McLane Center Pollinator Habitat
McLane Center 84 Silk Farm Road, Concord, NH, United StatesSaturday, June 25th from 9:30am-2:30pm Join us for a BioBlitz in the New Hampshire Audubon McLane Center pollinator habitat! We are looking to engage others to help us learn more about all that is living in our pollinator habitat. A BioBlitz is a community science effort where volunteers help find and record data on as […]
Loons on Lake Massabesic
Massabesic Center 26 Audubon Way, Auburn, NH, United StatesFriday, July 8, 6-7pm Cost: Free For many, the haunting call of the loon is an important part of the New Hampshire lake experience. Often seen as a symbol of the northern wilderness, loons are a beloved fixture on New Hampshire lakes, and many lake goers enjoy watching them as they raise their young. However, […]
Pollinator Meadow Volunteer Day
McLane Center 84 Silk Farm Road, Concord, NH, United StatesHow do you move an acre of plastic and plant an acre of native seeds? With little wind (hopefully), plenty of sun and lots of hands. Pollinator Meadow Volunteer Request: Plastic Removal, Plastic Movement, and Seed and Straw Spreading Wednesday, 2 November 2022, 12-4pm Rain Date: Friday, (Need dry weather for seed spreading): 4 November […]
NestWatch Volunteer Training: Bluebird Monitoring
Massabesic Center 26 Audubon Way, Auburn, NH, United StatesLearn about and get involved in a community science project to monitor field-nesting birds at NH Audubon’s Massabesic Center! This workshop focuses on Eastern Bluebirds, and will teach you identification, natural history, conservation status and how to collect data as a Bluebird Trail Monitor. We will begin in the classroom at 10am with a break […]
Bob Hull Memorial Bluebird Walk
Help trip leader David Blezard clean out bluebird boxes, look for early migrants and lingering winter birds, and get yourself in the mood for spring. Meet at the UNH Parking Lot B at 8am. Contact: David Blezard blezard@mac.com or call 603-343-1223. Registration is not required. Visit the Seacoast Chapter website for event details.
Owl Prowl
Join our always popular search for owls and sunrise birds. Meet at 4am (!) at the Mill Road Plaza parking lot in Durham. Be prepared for a long and possibly a bit wet, but leisurely walk through the woods. Wear appropriate footwear and bring insect repellent. Contact: Steve Mirick at smirick@comcast.net or 978-374- 0654. Visit […]
Raised Bed Gardens – The Why and How
Massabesic Center 26 Audubon Way, Auburn, NH, United StatesAre you interested in creating raised bed gardens but don’t know where to start? Join Sean O'Brien, UNH Extension's Home Horticulture Assistant Program Manager, for a two-part workshop, including an introduction to the benefits of raised bed gardens and an in-person, hands-on session to build wooden raised bed gardens. You’ll go away with skills and […]
Raised Bed Gardens – The Why and How
Massabesic Center 26 Audubon Way, Auburn, NH, United StatesAre you interested in creating raised bed gardens but don’t know where to start? Join Sean O'Brien, UNH Extension's Home Horticulture Assistant Program Manager, for a two-part workshop, including an introduction to the benefits of raised bed gardens and an in-person, hands-on session to build wooden raised bed gardens. You’ll go away with skills and […]