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Pollinator Habitat Restoration

by Diane De Luca

Pollinator Habitat Restoration

NH Audubon is establishing a one-acre demonstration pollinator meadow at its headquarters in Concord using non-herbicidal methods. This project will engage community members and organizational collaborators in site preparation, seeding, and ongoing maintenance of two successive half-acre pollinator meadow plots in publicly accessible fields. This project will provide a valuable workshop location for regional citizen science training. Project staff will host one training event per year in order to support ongoing citizen science monitoring of native plants and pollinator species.

The workshops will include hands-on best practices for citizen scientists when monitoring for phenological changes throughout the year as well as identification of focal species of insects that would add to the state’s knowledge base of insects of conservation need. Collaborators from UNH Extension Master Gardeners, Xerces Society, and USFWS will be included in workshops. Participants of the annual workshops will learn about how to successfully remove invasive plants using non-herbicidal methods by walking through the site coordination process. Visitors to the project site will learn about site management via the interpretive signage that will be installed at the perimeter of the meadow.

Follow our Phenology Facebook and Instagram posts for highlights of native plants and their pollinators.

Did You Know

  • Over 80% of all flowering plants rely on animal-assisted pollination in order to reproduce.
  • The US Department of Agriculture reports that over 75% of the crops that are cultivated worldwide for human consumption depend on animal pollinators.
  • North America is home to over 4000 species of native bees, the majority of which are solitary and nest in the ground, small cavities, or hollow twigs.
  • Although bees are famous for being very proficient pollinators, beetles actually comprise the largest group of pollinating insects.
  • Restoring native plant habitat is vital to preserving biodiversity. Research has shown that a native tree can host more than 100 times the number of caterpillars than an introduced species. It takes over 6,000 caterpillars to raise one brood of chickadees…so that is important.
  • You can make a difference to benefit birds and other wildlife by selecting native plants for your yards and gardens.

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Manchester’s First Pollinator Pocket

(by Willa Coroka) Manchester’s premier Pocket Pollinator Garden is officially planted and growing at its first location at Beech Street Elementary School. The Pocket Pollinator Gardens, designed to support both

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