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Support Our Sanctuaries

Support Our Sanctuaries

NH Audubon owns and manages 40 wildlife sanctuaries throughout all 10 counties of New Hampshire. In addition, there are several other properties on which NH Audubon has a management agreement with another entity. These lands, covering over 8,000 acres of important wildlife habitat, provide opportunities for recreation, education, and aesthetic experiences. Three of our sanctuaries have associated nature centers, and many have interpretive trail guides and well-developed trail systems. A variety of wildlife management techniques are ongoing at our sanctuaries, and others are left to natural processes. Through habitat management, research, education, and continued land protection we are working to ensure that New Hampshire’s wildlife and natural heritage is protected for us all.

Make a donation in support of NH Audubon Sanctuaries.

Photo, top: Semipalmated Sandpipers in Hampton, by Pam Hunt.