Seacoast Science Center
Range-wide Migratory Connectivity of the American Redstart
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesGlobal change threatens life on our planet. Migratory birds are particularly at risk, suffering multiple threats of global change during different stages of their full annual cycle. Moreover, stages of the full annual cycle are inextricably linked, where events during the nonbreeding period can influence events during the breeding period and vice versa. If we […]
Racing the Tides: Saltmarsh Sparrow Research and Monitoring in NH
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesNicknamed the "Canary in the Coastline", Saltmarsh Sparrows shine a light on the threat that accelerated rates of sea-level rise pose to salt marshes across New England. This small secretive bird nests exclusively in salt marshes but, as marshes degrade, Saltmarsh Sparrows are at risk of global extinction, with estimates as early as 2035. Come […]
Birding Colombia’s Valle del Cauca
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesColombia is known for having the greatest bird diversity in the world (1,908 species) and the Cauca Valley has recorded 1,000 of those species in an area that constitutes only 2% of the land area of the country. Join Katie Towler and Jim Sparrell as they present stories and photos from their trip in August […]
The Shaping of New Hampshire’s Landscapes by Past Glaciations
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesThis program by Dr. Joe Licciardi, Professor of Earth Sciences at UNH, will explore the glacial history of New Hampshire and how these processes helped create and sculpt the modern landforms and landscapes we see today. Geologically speaking, the glacial features that dominate much of the state are quite young and developed about 15,000 years […]
Conserving “Our Birds” South of the Border with Scott Hecker
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their in person May program: Conserving "Our Birds" South of the Border with Scott Hecker. "3 billion birds gone" headlined a report in 2019. What more do we know, what can we do? As a "Director of Bird Conservation" since the 1980s, it is my job to know […]
Exploring the Wonders of a Pollinator Garden through its Insects
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their in person April program: Exploring the Wonders of a Pollinator Garden through its Insects. Sometimes, you don't have to leave your backyard to explore the wonders of the natural world. Join Paul Lacourse on his quest to understand the ecology of his pollinator garden through its insects. […]
Woodpeckers: A Unique and Fascinating Family
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their in person March program: Woodpeckers: A Unique and Fascinating Family. Come and hear Dana and Bob Fox tell the fascinating story about the woodpecker family of birds. With 233 species in the world, they are found almost worldwide where trees are abundant. They can't sing like some […]
Something Wild Stories
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their November in-person program: "Something Wild" Stories New Hampshire Public Radio's (NHPR) "Something Wild" has been exploring the intricacies of nature in NH for 25 years! Chris Martin and Dave Anderson have teamed up as the show's co-hosts for the past 15 years. Together, in short radio essays, […]
Empty Skies: The Decline of Aerial Insectivores in the Northeast
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their October in-person program: Empty Skies: The Decline of Aerial Insectivores in the Northeast Aerial insectivores are those birds that feed primarily on insects captured in flight and include nightjars, swifts and swallows. Many of these species, particularly swallows and the Chimney Swift, are experiencing significant population declines […]
Outlawing Extinction: The Fight Over The Endangered Species Act in the 1970s
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their September in-person program: Outlawing Extinction: The Fight Over The Endangered Species Act in the 1970s Fifty years ago, Congress passed overwhelmingly the most powerful legislation in the world to protect endangered species - and almost instantly many members regretted doing so. In this illustrated lecture, historian Kurk […]
An Introduction to New Hampshire’s Fish Species of Conservation Concern
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the New Hampshire Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their in person January program. New Hampshire is home to a number of fish populations that are at risk of decline, or in some cases extirpation, due to human caused threats. Declines in aquatic species often go unnoticed, because they are less visible to the public. This […]
Wings over New Hampshire, What We Are Learning from the Motus Wildlife Tracking System
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesJoin the New Hampshire Audubon Seacoast Chapter for their ZOOM December program. Grants from the US Fish and Wildlife Service and private donations have supported installation of 10 Motus receiving stations in NH. These stations have detected birds tagged by researchers from Hudson Bay to South America. This presentation, by Carol Foss of NH Audubon, […]