Seacoast Chapter
Pickering Ponds Fall Beginning Bird Walk-Wednesday
NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter volunteer Dan Hubbard will lead three Beginning Bird Walks (BBW) this Fall. Although these walks are geared with the beginner birder in mind, birders of all levels of expertise are encouraged to participate and share their experiences. BBW: Pickering Ponds Wednesday, September 15, 8 am – 12 pm This walk will […]
Strafford County Farm Fall Beginning Bird Walk
NH Audubon Seacoast Chapter volunteer Dan Hubbard will lead three Beginning Bird Walks (BBW) this Fall. Although these walks are geared with the beginner birder in mind, birders of all levels of expertise are encouraged to participate and share their experiences. BBW: Strafford County Farm Sunday, September 19, 8 am – 12 pm This walk […]
Avian Protection at NorthWestern Energy in Montana
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesPower companies, wildlife agencies, and conservation organizations have collaborated for decades to reduce bird electrocutions and collisions with power lines. NorthWestern Energy in Montana implements an Avian Protection Plan across its entire electrical system. New power lines are constructed following bird-friendly standards and existing lines are retrofitted with bird protection devices where electrocutions or collisions […]
From Finches to Launching of the Finch Research Network
Zoom Link , United StatesIrruptions of finches from the north in recent years inspired Matthew Young to launch the Finch Research Network (FiRN) in fall 2020. Join us for his lively presentation about redpolls, Evening Grosbeaks, the distribution and ecology of different Red Crossbill flight calls, and the launching of FiRN and its future. November and December Zoom programs […]
NH Audubon’s Coastal Sanctuaries
Join Phil Brown to explore some of NH Audubon’s lesser known sanctuaries. As the date approaches, see the Seacoast Chapter website for more details to include pandemic requirements. Cancellations will be posted on the Seacoast Chapter website.
A World on the Wing: The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds
Zoom Link , United StatesEven as scientists make astounding discoveries about the navigational and physiological feats that enable migratory birds to cross immense oceans or fly above the highest mountains, go weeks without sleep or remain in unbroken flight for months at a stretch, humans have brought many migrants to the brink. Based on his newest book, "A World […]
New Hampshire’s Winter Birds
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesNH Audubon's "Backyard Winter Bird Survey" is a citizen science project that has been collecting data on the state's birds since 1967. In this program, Dr. Pamela Hunt uses the Survey's data to illustrate how populations of our common winter birds have been changing over time. In the process, we'll explore many other aspects of […]
A Multi-Regional Assessment of Eastern Whip-poor-will
Zoom Link , United StatesA Multi-Regional Assessment of Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Occupancy Within Managed Forests Using Autonomous Recording Units Wednesday, February 9 Over the past half century, many eastern forest birds have experienced significant population declines. These declines have in part been attributed to habitat loss and degradation. State and federal agencies have initiated conservation efforts to improve […]
Insects for Birders
Zoom Link , United StatesSeacoast Chapter Zoom Program Wednesday, March 9 Pick any scene from the drama of birds, the grace and force of flight, the ornaments and audacity of courtship, the absolute joy we get in watching them, and you will find it as well in the drama of insects, played out only a few feet away. With […]
Walden Warming: Climate Change Comes to Thoreau’s Concord
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesSeacoast Chapter Program Wednesday, April 13 Henry David Thoreau was a climate change scientist! For the past 18 years, presenter Professor Richard Primack and his team have been using Thoreau's records from the 1850s and other Massachusetts data sources to document the earlier flowering and leafing out times of plants, the earlier flight times of […]
Bellamy River Wildlife Sanctuary Walk
Join New Hampshire Audubon President Doug Bechtel in exploring the Bellamy River Wildlife Sanctuary. We will look for spring migratory song birds and learn a bit about the plants, habitats and conservation efforts of Great Bay. Meet at 8:00 AM at the Bellamy River Wildlife Sanctuary parking lot at the end of Bayview Road, Dover […]
BBW Pickering Ponds
One of the top 10 birding spots in New Hampshire, this walk will traverse Rochester city park trails along the Cocheco River and around the former wastewater treatment settling ponds. Meet at the Pickering Ponds parking area at 7am. The entrance is about a mile south of the Rochester Wastewater Treatment Plant on Pickering Road […]