Seacoast Chapter
The Shaping of New Hampshire’s Landscapes by Past Glaciations
Seacoast Science Center Odiorne State Park, Route 1A, Rye, NH, United StatesThis program by Dr. Joe Licciardi, Professor of Earth Sciences at UNH, will explore the glacial history of New Hampshire and how these processes helped create and sculpt the modern landforms and landscapes we see today. Geologically speaking, the glacial features that dominate much of the state are quite young and developed about 15,000 years […]
Hawk Watch at Pack Monadnock
Join Phil Brown, the Harris Center's Bird Conservation Director, for a half day of hawk watching at the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory in Peterborough. We will hope for a good migration flight which, in mid-September, can include several species of hawks and falcons as well as flocks of migrant Canada Geese, songbirds, and even scoters! […]
BBW: Strafford County Farm
With diverse habitats for water birds, raptors and song birds, this walk will include the Don Black Trail and the hedgerows around the fields of the conserved property. The walk will last as long as participants choose, but not beyond noon. Meet at 8:00 across from the Strafford County Work Program at 266 County Farm […]
Bioblitz! Sponsored by the Seacoast Science Center
The Bioblitz is comprised of scientists, field naturalists and backyard enthusiasts coming together to appreciate and learn about biodiversity and record data on as many different species as possible in one day at Odiorne State Park for the Seacoast Science Center. There will be guided programs around the park covering many different topics, including birds. […]
Seabrook Town Forest
With diverse habitats of a large pond, mixed deciduous and coniferous woods, open fields, and shrubby thickets, the Seabrook Town Forest and Wellfield supports a wide variety of birds. Join trip leaders Ashton Almeida and Aidan Felch to explore this under-birded area. Meet by the gate at the end of Old New Boston Road at […]
Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Established in 1992, the Great Bay NWR is home of over 225 species of birds. Join trip leader Susan Wrisley for a two-mile loop through some of the refuge’s fields, forests, and beaver wetlands, including an overlook of Great Bay itself. Meet at the refuge parking area at 8:00 AM. Contact: Susan Wrisley. This field […]
Birch St. Community Gardens
Join us for a round-up of sparrows and other fall migrants at the Community Gardens off Clinton Street in Concord. Fourteen species of sparrows have been seen here, more than any single location in the state, including both Clay-colored and Vesper Sparrows. Dickcissel, Blue Grosbeak, and Sedge Wren have also made appearances here. Meet at […]
Coastal Migration
The trip will be a long walk around the varied habitats of Odiorne Point State Park, the top birding hotspot in New Hampshire. We will look for the expected fall migrants and perhaps even a rarity or two. Meet at the Odiorne Point parking lot at 8:15 (the park opens at 8:00). A small entrance […]
Fall Pelagic
In past years the September pelagic out of Rye Harbor on the MV Granite State has ventured into MA, NH, and ME waters and has turned up interesting birds including four species of Shearwater (Great, Manx, Cory’s, and Sooty), Pomarine Jaeger, Northern Fulmar, and Wilson’s Storm- petrel. (But obviously as with any trip no bird […]
Maine Coast
Join trip leaders Linda Maley and Ann Ablowich looking for seabirds, raptors, and late migrating songbirds along the southern Maine coast. Meet at the Perkins Cove parking lot at 9 AM. From Perkins Cove we will bird Marginal Way, Nubble Light, and Seapoint Beach. Dress warmly in layers and bring water and lunch or snack. […]
Winter Crow Roost
Thousands of crows have a winter roost along the Merrimac River in Lawrence. Join veteran birders and crow experts Dana and Bob Fox for a late afternoon trip to witness the spectacle of thousands of birds flying in from all directions to roost for the night. Participants will meet before sunset at the New Balance […]
Birds of the Winter Coast
Join veteran birder and former ornithology instructor Rich Aaronian to look for the birds that make the New Hampshire coast their home during the winter. The trip will start at Hampton Beach State Park and proceed north up the coast as we look for loons, scoters, mergansers, grebes, shorebirds, and perhaps other specialties such as […]